
The issue of massive government surveillance of the United States population has become front page news following the release of information by Edward Snowden;


Our company is one of the country’s largest telecommunications corporations with over 100 million customers;


Our company’s board of directors have fiduciary responsibilities to the company and its shareholders.   In governance of one of the largest telecommunications companies in the US and global economy,  those duties may also extend to the need to safeguard and protect our customers’ fundamental Constitutional rights;


The release to the government of millions of private citizens’ communications records is a violation of basic civil rights, that many believe foreshadows a totalitarian state;

Therefore Be It Resolved:

Shareholders request that the board of directors review the company’s policies and procedures relating to directors’ moral, ethical and legal fiduciary duties and opportunities to ensure that the Company protects the privacy rights of American citizens protected by the U.S. Constitution, and report to shareholders no later than six months following the 2014 annual shareholder meeting.  Such report may include recommendations to include specific language in the bylaws, articles or committee charters to strengthen the company’s standards for directors’ and officers’ conduct and company oversight.