JPMorgan Chase: Moral and Legal Obligations

Whereas, JPMorgan Chase engages in expensive, pervasive, repeated violations of law, crossing many regulatory and legal boundaries, recently exposing us to the largest civil penalty ever levied in the United States, and our Board of Directors has a longstanding...

Goldman Sachs: Moral and Legal Obligations

Whereas, the impacts of the massive financial crisis of 2008 “are likely to be felt for a generation.” The crisis was considered by many to be the result of an “erosion of standards of responsibility and ethics,” and a “systemic breakdown in accountability and...

AIG: Moral and Legal Obligations

Whereas, the massive financial crisis of 2008, of which the impacts “are likely to be felt for a generation,” was the result of an “erosion of standards of responsibility and ethics,” “dramatic failures of corporate governance and risk management” and eventually a...

Bank of America: Proxy Access for Shareholders

RESOLVED Shareowners ask our board, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to amend our governing documents to allow shareowners to make board nominations as follows: 1. The Company proxy statement, form of proxy, and voting instruction forms shall include, listed...

Aqua America: Policy on the Human Right to Water

WHEREAS, Aqua America utilizes natural water resources for our company’s livelihood, and water quality and quantity are vital for Aqua America’s success; At the time of writing this resolution, the U.S. Drought Monitor reports that over 52% of the U.S. is in drought,...